运用反复修辞的句子 13个

1. Not only did she run the marathon in record time, but she also managed to win first place by a wide margin.

2. He not only excels in academics, but also in sports and the arts, him a well-rounded individual.

3. She may have failed once, twice, even three times, but she never gave up on her dream of becoming an astronaut.

4. The car not only failed to start, but also emitted a loud, screeching noise that made everyone wince.

5. It was not just a little mistake, it was a colossal error that cost the entire company millions of dollars.

6. The storm not only destroyed homes, but also swept away cars and uprooted trees in its path of destruction.

7. Not only is she intelligent, but also kind-hearted and compassionate towards others.

8. The project not only required extensive research, but also countless hours of hard work and dedication to complete.

9. The book not only provides insight into the author's personal struggles, but also offers valuable life lessons for readers.

10. The meal not only tasted delicious, but also looked like a work of art on the plate with its intricate presentation.

11. The movie not only made me laugh, but also brought tears to my eyes during its emotional scenes.

12. Not only did he apologize for his mistake, but he also took full responsibility and worked to make amends.

13. The exhibit not only showcased stunning artwork, but also provided historical context and cultural significance for each piece.

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