句子都是由主语和谓语构成的 17个

1. The sun rises in the east.

2. Dogs bark when they hear a noise.

3. She sings beautifully when she is happy.

4. The teacher explained the lesson clearly and patiently.

5. The children played in the park under the watchful eye of their parents.

6. My favorite hobby is reading books about history and science.

7. The movie we watched last night was a thrilling adventure story.

8. The city government is implementing new policies to reduce pollution levels.

9. After a long day at work, I like to relax by taking a warm bath and listening to calming music.

10. The new restaurant in town serves delicious and healthy vegetarian options.

11. The majestic eagle soared through the sky, its wings spread wide.

12. The news of the accident spread quickly through the small town, causing widespread concern.

13. The little boy was crying because he lost his favorite toy.

14. The famous singer received a standing ovation for her incredible performance at the concert.

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