
After-sale Repair Terms

1. The company shall provide repair services to the customer for any malfunction or damage caused by non-human factors during the warranty period.

2. The customer shall send the malfunctioning device to the company in accordance with the requirements of the company and bear the cost of delivery.

3. The cost of materials and labor required for the repair shall be borne by the company.

4. The repaired device must be tested and inspected before it can be returned to the customer.

5. If the customer does not accept the repaired device, the company shall not bear any responsibility for the refund or replacement.

6. The company reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this agreement at any time.


After-sales Service Terms

1. The Company shall provide customers with necessary after-sales service according to the warranty period specified in the contract, and shall not charge any fees for the replacement or repair of the products within the warranty period.

2. Customers can contact the Company's after-sales service by telephone, email, online customer service and other methods.

3. If customers need to return the product due to quality problems or other reasons, they should fill in the After-sales Service Form according to the requirements of the Company, and send it to the Company's designated address.

4. When returning the product, the customer should provide the product and its accessories, local invoice, warranty card, etc., and pay for the freight.

5. After the customer returns the product, the Company shall arrange personnel to inspect the product and give feedback to the customer within three working days. If the product meets the requirements, the Company will arrange the replacement or repair as soon as possible.

6. Customers can only return the product after obtaining the consent of the Company, and shall bear all expenses related to the return.

7. In case of force majeure or other special cirtances, the Company may suspend the after-sales service.


1. Practice: Regularly engage in reading, writing and speaking activities to improve your English proficiency.

2. Listen: Listen to English radio, podcasts and other materials to get familiar with the language and unciation.

3. Watch: Watch English movies and TV shows to improve your listening and comprehension skills.

4. Study: Make a study plan and set daily goals for learning vocabulary and grammar rules.

5. Speak: Find opportunities to practice speaking English with native speakers or online.

6. Focus: Focus on one area of English at a time such as unciation, grammar, or vocabulary.

7. Review: Periodically review lessons from previous cl or materials to maintain knowledge.

8. Use Technology: Utilize technology such as apps, websites and online courses to supplement traditional methods of learning.


甲方: (以下简称甲方)

乙方: (以下简称乙方)

经双方协商,现乙方愿意将 台电脑交给甲方(硬件维修、硬件维护、软件维修、咨询等)服务,并达成如下维修服务条款:

一、合同期限:本合同的有限期为 年,从 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,合同金额: 元。

二、付款方式:本合同实行先付费后服务的方式,即签订本合同时,乙方提前按月付清维修服务费 元。以后在每月的2-5号付清下月的维修服务费。


1.电脑各类故障检修 无法启动,不能进入系统,运行速度减慢,常死机等等


3.工具软件安装及维护 金山词霸等市面常用软件


6.查杀电脑病毒 各类电脑病毒(分区病毒,文件病毒,邮件病毒)查杀:


五 , 硬件维护的范围:电脑各类硬件维护及故障检测.

服务费不包含电脑部件(如显示器,光驱,软驱及硬盘CPU主板,内存,显卡,声卡,电源)的修理费用,乙方可委托甲方送修,部件修好后, 甲方将为乙方送回及安装,修理费用按实际修理费收取,不另收取服务费. 如果电脑部件未过保修期,甲方将免费为乙方送往相应厂家保修。

六, 甲方工作需要乙方的配合的情况

甲方工程师在乙方计算机进行维护时, 乙方应尽可能配合工作,如在做重大的改动(如重装操作系统)时, 甲方工程师会询问乙方有无重要的数据需要备份, 乙方应当主动配合,否则如有重要数据丢失,后果由乙方负责.非甲方过错在维修过程中因硬件老化等原因形成的`损坏甲方不承担责任;如果因为甲方的原因造成硬件损坏,甲乙双方协商赔偿金额,以该硬件折旧价格为协商基准.

自_____年____月____日至_____年____月_____日止,合同到期自行解除.如果乙方续签合同,则另 签合同。此协议一式两份,双方各执一份.此协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效.

甲方(签字)代表人: 乙方(签字)代表人:

年 月 日





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上一篇: 一个甲方两个乙方的合同(一个条款两个罚则怎么写)
下一篇: 拆迁安全协议合同(购买拆迁安置房合同怎么写)