关于安静的夜晚句子 18个

关于安静的夜晚句子 18个

The quiet night enveloped the city, broken only by the occasional hoot of an owl or the distant hum of a car engine.

2023-05-23 147 6
非你不娶的诗句 10个

非你不娶的诗句 10个


2024-01-04 16 9
爱护老人的句子 16个

爱护老人的句子 16个


2023-10-02 99 9
收藏的一些句子 19个

收藏的一些句子 19个

Despite the rain pouring down, I must admit that there is something peaceful about listening to the pitter patter against the windowpane.

2024-03-09 210 3