英语句子的成分有哪些 17个

1. The English sentence has several components, including subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial.

2. In order for a sentence to be complete, it must contain at least one subject and one verb.

3. The subject is typically a noun or oun that performs the action of the verb.

4. The verb is the action or state of being in the sentence.

5. The object is the noun or oun that is acted upon by the verb.

6. Complements are words or phrases that complete the meaning of the sentence and can be either direct or indirect.

7. Adverbials modify the verb or sentence as a whole and can indicate time, place, manner, or frequency.

8. Prepositions are another component of English sentences, which often work with nouns to show the relationship between them and other parts of the sentence.

9. Pronouns are used in place of nouns and can function as subjects, objects, or possessives in sentences.

10. Interjections are words used to express emotion or sentiment and are typically set apart from the rest of the sentence with punctuation.

11. Conjunctions are words that connect words or phrases in a sentence and can be either coordinating or subordinating.

12. Adjectives describe or modify nouns and can come before or after the noun in the sentence.

13. Articles are a type of determiner that come before a noun and indicate whether it is general or specific.

14. Gerunds and infinitives are verb forms that can function as nouns in a sentence.

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