描写人物环境的句子 11个

1. The old man sat on the bench, his face weathered by years of hard work under the scorching sun, as he watched children playing tag in the park.

2. The nurse walked down the sterile hallway, her stiff white uniform rustling with each step, illuminated only by the harsh fluorescent lights overhead.

3. The young couple strolled hand in hand by the shimmering lake, their laughter filling the air as they admired the autumn colors of the surrounding trees.

4. The businessman sipped his coffee in the crowded café, the sound of chatter and clinking plates blending into a soothing background noise as he worked on his laptop.

5. The farmer stood in his vast wheat field, the golden stalks swaying gently in the breeze, as he gazed out at the endless horizon.

6. The dancer twirled gracefully on the darkened stage, her glimmering costume reflecting the spotlights that illuminated her every move.

7. The homeless man huddled in the alley, his ragged clothes providing little protection against the biting cold, as he clutched a cardboard sign begging for spare change.

8. The mountaineer scaled the treacherous peak, his breath coming in short gasps as he fought against the thinning air, taking in the breathtaking view from the summit.

9. The artist sat in her cluttered studio, surrounded by canvases and tubes of paint, lost in thought as she worked on her latest masterpiece.

10. The fisherman cast his line into the sparkling ocean, the salty air filling his lungs as he waited patiently for a tug on the line.

11. The tourist wandered through the winding streets of the ancient city, marveling at the centuries-old architecture and cultural landmarks.

12. The athlete sprinted across the green field, the roar of the crowd spurring him on as he neared the finish line.

13. The chef bustled around the busy kitchen, the sizzle of pans and aroma of spices filling the air as he prepared a gourmet meal.

14. The teacher stood in front of the rowdy claoom, her voice rising above the din as she attempted to maintain control over the misbehaving students.

15. The doctor hurried down the sterile hallway of the hospital, her white coat swishing behind her as she rushed to save a patient's life.

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