描写老人外貌的句子50字 10个

1. The old man's face was deeply lined, showing a lifetime of experiences etched into his weathered features.

2. His hair was thin and wispy, with a few strands of white peeking out from beneath his worn cap.

3. A pair of spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose, magnifying his tired eyes.

4. His skin was weathered and rough, like the bark of an old tree that had withstood countless storms.

5. The old man's hands were gnarled and calloused, testament to a life of hard work and dedication.

6. Despite his age, he stood tall and proud, his posture reflecting a lifetime of self-discipline and fortitude.

7. The old man's face was lined with wrinkles that told a story of both joy and sorrow.

8. His eyes, though tired, still held a glimmer of youthful vitality that belied his years.

9. The old man's beard was long and unkempt, a wild tangle of silver and white.

10. His face was marked by the scars of old injuries, each one a reminder of a life well-lived.

11. The old man's skin was deeply weathered, like the leather of a well-worn saddle.

12. His hair, once thick and rous, had thinned and grayed with age, leaving only a few stray strands atop his head.

13. The old man had a permanent stoop to his shoulders, as though he had spent a lifetime carrying the weight of the world.

14. His eyes were tired and rheumy, but still held a spark of curiosity and wonder.

15. The old man's face was creased with lines, each one a map of the life he had lived and the trials he had overcome.

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