爱情舍不得分开的句子 13个

1. My heart aches at the thought of saying goodbye to you, my love.

2. I cannot imagine living without you by my side, my darling.

3. Every moment spent with you is a precious gift that I never want to let go of.

4. You are the sun in my sky, the beat of my heart, and the reason for my smile.

5. The thought of losing you fills me with a deep sense of sadness and longing.

6. Our love is like a bond that cannot be broken, no matter what comes our way.

7. You are the missing piece in my life, the one I have been searching for all along.

8. I never knew love could feel like this, so all-consuming and overwhelming.

9. In your arms, I feel safe, cherished, and loved beyond measure.

10. I never want to let go of your hand, for you are my forever and always.

11. You are the missing puzzle piece that completes me, my love.

12. Our love is like a wildfire, burning bright and strong, impossible to extinguish.

13. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, for my love for you knows no bounds.

14. I cannot bear to be apart from you, my love, for you are my everything.

15. Our love is a beautiful story, one that I want to continue writing for the rest of my life.

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