列数字作比较的句子有 16个

1. The population of China is over 1.4 billion, which is more than four times the population of the United States.

2. The Great Wall of China is one of the longest walls in the world, stretching over 13,000 miles.

3. The average lifespan of an elephant is around 70 years, which is longer than the lifespan of most other animals.

4. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world, standing at an elevation of 29,029 feet.

5. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth, covering more than 60 million square miles.

6. The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world, covering over 3.6 million square miles.

7. The Nile River is the longest river in the world, stretching over 4,000 miles.

8. The sun is approximately 93 million miles away from Earth.

9. The Statue of Liberty in New York City stands at a height of 305 feet, it one of the tallest statues in the world.

10. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the largest coral reef system in the world, spanning over 1,400 miles.

11. The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, stands at a height of 2,717 feet, over three times the height of the Eiffel Tower.

12. The Grand Canyon in Arizona is over 270 miles long, 18 miles wide, and over a mile deep.

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