不能分担你的忧愁句子 14个

1. Unfortunately, I am unable to alleviate your concerns and anxieties.

2. It deeply saddens me to say that I cannot lighten the burden of your troubles.

3. I wish I could help shoulder your worries, but unfortunately, I am not equipped to do so.

4. It pains me to admit that I am unable to share in your sorrows and alleviate your pain.

5. I'm sorry to say that I cannot take away your troubles or ease your anxieties.

6. Despite my desire to help you, I regret to inform you that I cannot bear the weight of your sorrows.

7. It's unfortunate that I am not able to share the burden of your worries and offer comfort.

8. I am unable to provide you with relief from your troubles despite my sincerest wishes to do so.

9. Sadly, I cannot alleviate your distress or offer you solace during this difficult time.

10. I regret to say that I am not capable of easing your concerns and taking away your worries.

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