我好想他的句子 13个

1. Despite my best effort to forget him, I can't help but think about him constantly.

2. Memories of him flood my mind whenever I have a spare moment to myself.

3. Even though we haven't spoken in years, his presence still lingers in my life.

4. It's funny how someone who was once a stranger can hold such a special place in my heart.

5. I miss the way he used to make me laugh until my sides hurt.

6. The sound of his voice still ecs in my ears, even though it's been so long since we last spoke.

7. Sometimes I wonder if he thinks of me, too, or if I'm just another face in his long list of forgotten acquaintances.

8. It's difficult to push away the longing I feel for him whenever I see something that reminds me of him.

9. Even though we both moved on with our lives, a part of me will always hold on to the hope that we might be reunited someday.

10. I wake up in the morning and immediately think of him, wondering where he is and what he's doing.

11. It's hard to admit, but I'm still in love with him, even after all these years.

12. Whenever I see a couple walking hand in hand, I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy, wishing it were him and me instead.

13. I try to distract myself and fill my time with other activities, but nothing seems to cure the ache I feel in my heart.

14. I know that our paths may never cross again, but I'll always hold on to the memories we shared and the love we had.

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