含有细节描写的句子 10个

1. The old house on the corner of the street had a worn, wooden front door that creaked loudly when it was opened.

2. As I walked through the forest, my feet sank into the soft ground, and the scent of pine trees filled my nose.

3. The restaurant was dimly lit, with flickering candles on each table and soft jazz music playing quietly in the background.

4. The waves crashed against the s, sending sprays of salty water into the air that misted my face and hair.

5. The building's walls were made of red bricks that had been weathered by years of exposure to sun and rain.

6. As I stepped onto the crowded subway train, I felt the sweltering heat of the car and the press of bodies around me.

7. The garden was a riot of colors, with vibrant flowers bursting from every corner and bees buzzing lazily between them.

8. The airplane soared high above the clouds, and I watched as the world below shrank into tiny, miniature shapes.

9. The book was old and musty, with pages that crinkled and turned yellow at the edges as I flipped through them.

10. The city streets were bustling with people, cars honking and sirens wailing in the distance, and the smell of hot dogs wafting from a nearby food cart.

11. The mountain trail was steep and rocky, and I had to cling to the jagged edges of the cliff to keep from falling.

12. The rain fell in a steady, soothing rhythm, tapping against the roof of my car and tracing trails down the windowpane.

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