骂人的英文句子带翻译 12个

1. You are nothing but a spineless coward who hides behind their own insecurities. (你只是一个胆小怯懦、藏在自己不安全感背后的人。)

2. Your ignorance is matched only by your arrogance. (你的无知只能与你的傲慢匹敌。)

3. You are a despicable excuse for a human being. (你是一个可被鄙视、根本算不上人类的借口。)

4. Your lack of intelligence is truly astounding. (你的缺乏智慧真是令人惊叹。)

5. You are so full of yourself, it's a wonder you can even fit through the door. (你太自我膨胀了,简直不知道你还能否进门。)

6. I've met toddlers who are more mature than you could ever hope to be. (我见过些幼儿,他们比你想要成熟还要成熟。)

7. I wouldn't trust you to watch my goldfish for five minutes, let alone anything important. (我不会相信你看管我的金鱼五分钟,更别说什么重要的事情了。)

8. Your existence is a waste of space and oxygen. (你的存在是对空间和氧气的浪费。)

9. You are the epitome of everything that is wrong with this world. (你是这个世界万恶之源的典型。)

10. I'd tell you to go jump off a cliff, but I wouldn't want to pollute the environment with your toxic presence. (我想让你跳悬崖,但我不想让你的有毒存在环境。)

11. If idiocy was a disease, you'd be patient zero. (如果愚蠢是一种疾病,你就是第一位患者。)

12. You are the reason we can't have nice things. (是你让我们无法拥有美好的东西。)

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