写街道的句子 15个

1. Along the bustling avenue, street vendors hawked their wares and pedestrians hurried along the crowded sidewalks.

2. The narrow alleyway was lined with quaint shops selling vintage clothing and handmade crafts.

3. On the main thoroughfare, cars honked impatiently as they navigated through rush hour traffic.

4. The cobblestone street was illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights, casting a romantic ambiance.

5. In the heart of the city, a bustling pedestrian plaza was surrounded by trendy cafes and shops.

6. The colorful market street was filled with the aroma of exotic spices and fresh produce.

7. The tree-lined boulevard was a popular spot for joggers and dog walkers alike.

8. The quaint village street featured charming storefronts and quaint bed and breakfasts.

9. At night, the neon lights of the entertainment district illuminated the cityscape.

10. The quiet residential street was lined with neatly manicured lawns and gardens.

11. In the historic district, the grand mansions and ornate buildings were a testament to the city's rich past.

12. The bustling commercial district was home to towering skysers and bustling financial institutions.

13. The winding country road offered tranquil views of rolling hills and pastoral farmland.

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