容忍是有限度的句子 16个

1. Although tolerance is a virtue, it has its limits.

2. We should learn to tolerate people's differences, but there comes a point where enough is enough.

3. Being tolerant doesn't mean we have to accept everything, especially when it goes against our values and beliefs.

4. Some people mistake tolerance for weakness, but in reality, it takes strength to hold back and not react in certain situations.

5. Tolerance should be a two-way street, where both parties respect each other's boundaries and opinions.

6. It's important to be tolerant of others, but it's equally important to stand up for ourselves and not let others take advantage of our kindness.

7. Tolerance is not an excuse for inaction or indifference, especially when it comes to issues of social justice and equality.

8. Tolerance doesn't mean we have to like or agree with everything, but it does mean we should treat others with respect and dignity.

9. There's a difference between being tolerant and being passive, and we should strive for the former while avoiding the latter.

10. Tolerance is a key ingredient for a peaceful and harmonious society, but it's not a panacea for all our problems.

11. We can learn a lot from those who are different from us, but tolerance should never come at the expense of our own well-being or safety.

12. Tolerance can be a powerful tool for bridging divides and building relationships, but it requires both sides to be willing to listen and understand each other.

13. Tolerance is not just about accepting people who are different from us, but also recognizing and appreciating the value of diversity in all its forms.

14. While it's important to be tolerant of others, it's equally important to be tolerant of ourselves and our own imperfections.

15. Tolerance is not a fixed or static concept, but rather a dynamic process that requires ongoing effort and reflection.

16. Ultimately, the limits of tolerance are determined by our own values, principles, and sense of justice, and we should never compromise on these in the name of tolerance.

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