例外和偏爱的句子 19个

1. Although I don't usually like spicy food, I must admit that this dish is really delicious.

2. Despite the fact that I have a lot of work to do, I decided to take a break and go for a walk.

3. Even though he's not the most skilled player on the team, he puts in a lot of effort and always tries his best.

4. While I was walking through the park, I noticed a group of children playing on the swings.

5. Although we've been friends for a long time, I still feel like there are some things we don't know about each other.

6. Despite the heavy rain, the runner refused to stop and continued on towards the finish line.

7. Even though I studied for hours, I still didn't do well on the exam.

8. While I was on vacation, I decided to try some new foods that I had never tasted before.

9. Although I'm not a big fan of horror movies, I agreed to watch one with my friends.

10. Despite the fact that he's always late, he's still one of the most reliable workers in the company.

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