抓住时间的句子 20个

1. As soon as I finished my breakfast, I headed to the gym to get my workout in before work.

2. Despite the heavy rain, the construction workers continued to work diligently to finish the project on time.

3. He had always dreamed of travelling the world, so he quit his job and bought a one-way ticket to Europe.

4. Every morning, she wakes up at 5am to meditate and prepare for the day ahead.

5. After months of hard work, she finally received the promotion she had been working towards.

6. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, he makes sure to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

7. Despite the long and tiring journey, they were excited to finally arrive at their destination and begin exploring.

8. As the clock ticked closer to the deadline, she worked tirelessly to finish the project on time.

9. With only a few hours left before the exam, he studied diligently to ensure he was fully prepared.

10. Despite the obstacles and challenges along the way, they persevered and achieved their goals.

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