三年级的句子大全 13个

1. The sun is shining brightly in the sky, and the birds are chirping happily in the trees.

2. I love playing with my friends at recess, but I also enjoy reading a good book during free time.

3. My favorite subject in school is math, because I like solving problems and figuring things out.

4. Yesterday, I went to the park with my family and we had a picnic by the lake.

5. I was nervous about performing in the school play, but I practiced a lot and did a great job.

6. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor so I can help people who are sick or hurt.

7. My dog is my best friend, and we love going for walks and playing fetch together.

8. We had a fun field trip to the zoo, and I got to see lots of animals I've never seen before.

9. I don't like getting up early for school, but I know it's important to get a good education.

10. The rain is falling softly outside, and it makes me want to curl up with a cozy blanket and read a book.

11. I'm excited for summer vacation, because I get to go to the beach and swim in the ocean.

12. Last weekend, I helped my mom bake cookies and we had a yummy treat afterwards.

13. I wish it would snow so I could build a snowman and have a snowball fight with my friends.

14. I love going to the library and picking out new books to read, especially mysteries and adventure stories.

15. My favorite food is pizza, and I could eat it every day if my mom would let me.

16. When I'm feeling sad or lonely, I like to draw pictures or write stories to cheer myself up.

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