介绍动物的英语句子 14个

1. Elephants are the largest land animals on earth, and they have long trunks that they use for breathing, smelling, drinking and grabbing things.

2. Giraffes have long necks that can grow up to six feet, and they use their long tongues to reach high branches and leaves for food.

3. Lions are powerful predators that live in groups called prides, and they are known for their distinctive roars that can be heard from far away.

4. Penguins are flightless birds that live in cold climates, and they have a layer of blubber that keeps them warm in the freezing water.

5. Dolphins are highly intelligent and social marine mammals that communicate with a series of clicks, whistles and body movements.

6. Zebras are striped horses that live in herds, and they use their stripes as camouflage to blend in with the grass and avoid predators.

7. Kangaroos are marsupials that live in Australia, and they have powerful hind legs that enable them to jump great distances and speeds.

8. Sharks are apex predators that live in the ocean, and they have a keen sense of smell for detecting prey from afar.

9. Sloths are slow-moving mammals that live in the rainforest, and they have long claws that they use to grip onto branches and hang upside-down.

10. Crocodiles are large reptiles that can live up to 70 years, and they have powerful jaws that can crush the bones of their prey.

11. Owls are nocturnal birds of prey that have keen eyesight and hearing, and they can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees to catch their prey.

12. Chimpanzees are intelligent primates that live in social groups, and they are capable of using tools and learning sign language.

13. Koalas are marsupials that live in eucalyptus trees, and they have a specialized diet of eucalyptus leaves that provides them with all their nutritional needs.

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