赞美同事们加班辛苦的句子 14个

1. Our team has been putting in exceptional efforts lately, and I am in awe of the dedication and hard work shown by each and every colleague.

2. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude towards my colleagues for sacrificing their personal time to ensure the success of our project.

3. The late nights and long hours put in by my colleagues have not gone unnoticed, and I want to extend my appreciation towards them for their unwavering commitment and perseverance.

4. The incredible work ethic demonstrated by my colleagues throughout this challenging period is truly inspiring and deserves recognition.

5. I have the utmost respect for my colleagues who have been consistently going above and beyond their usual duties to ensure our team's success.

6. The tireless efforts put in by my colleagues have been instrumental in achieving our goals, and I am grateful for their dedication and teamwork.

7. Hats off to my colleagues who have been burning the midnight oil to get the job done – their commitment is truly commendable.

8. I am humbled by the sheer determination and dedication displayed by my colleagues, who have been working tirelessly to ensure our collective success.

9. I want to take this opportunity to express my admiration towards my colleagues for putting in such remarkable efforts and going the extra mile to achieve success.

10. My colleagues have shown remarkable strength and perseverance in the face of daunting challenges, and I am honored to be part of such a dedicated team.

11. I am grateful for my colleagues' willingness to put in long hours and extra effort to ensure the success of our project, and I commend them for their hard work.

12. The dedication shown by my colleagues in completing their tasks efficiently and effectively despite the extended working hours is truly commendable.

13. My colleagues' unwavering commitment and willingness to go above and beyond what is expected have been instrumental in our team's success.

14. I am impressed by the unwavering determination and perseverance of my colleagues, who have been putting in countless hours of overtime to ensure the success of our project.

15. My colleagues have shown immense strength and resilience during this challenging period, and I am grateful for their unwavering commitment towards our collective success.

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