跟爱的人告别的句子 15个

1. It's time for us to part ways, my love.

2. I never thought I'd have to say goodbye to you, but here we are.

3. Our time together has come to an end, and it's heartbreaking to say goodbye.

4. I wish we could stay together forever, but it's not meant to be.

5. I'll always cherish the memories we've made, even as we say goodbye.

6. I don't want to let you go, but it's time for us to move on.

7. This goodbye is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but it's necessary.

8. We may be saying goodbye, but our love will always remain.

9. It's better to say goodbye now than to drag out the pain of our separation.

10. Although it hurts, this goodbye is for the best.

11. I'll never forget the love we shared, but it's time to say goodbye.

12. The thought of saying goodbye to you is almost unbearable, but it has to be done.

13. This isn't the end of our journey, but it's time for us to walk separate paths.

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