节日不放假的句子 17个

1. Although it's a holiday, I still have to work because my company doesn't give any days off for this particular occasion.

2. Even though it's a festive day, the schools are still open and the children have to attend their cl.

3. I don't have the luxury of taking a day off on this holiday as my profession demands that I work on this day as well.

4. Unfortunately, this holiday isn't recognized by my employer, so I have to go to work like any other day.

5. Despite it being a special day, I have to stick to my everyday routine because there's no such thing as a day off for me.

6. This holiday is just like any other day for me as I can't afford to take time off from my work.

7. As much as I wish I could celebrate this occasion, I have to be at the office because it's not a public holiday.

8. My company doesn't acknowledge this festival, so I have no option but to show up for work as usual.

9. Although everyone else is enjoying their holiday, I have to attend to my work responsibilities because my organization doesn't consider this day as a holiday.

10. Unfortunately, my job requires me to work on this special day, so I have to skip the festivities and head to work.

11. As much as I would love to celebrate this festival, I can't because I have to finish a project by the end of the week.

12. My profession doesn't offer any breaks on this day, so I have to work just like any other day.

13. I have to go to work on this holiday because my employer doesn't believe in giving their employees any time off.

14. It's a shame that I can't take a day off on this occasion because it's not declared as a public holiday by the government.

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