描写天气的英文句子 11个

1. The sun blazed down on the parched landscape, baking the earth beneath its rays.

2. A thick blanket of fog rolled in from the coast, shrouding the city in a grey mist.

3. The torrential rain pounded relentlessly against the windowpanes, it impossible to hear anything else.

4. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, without a single cloud in sight.

5. A fierce snowstorm howled through the streets, sending icy flakes swirling in every direction.

6. The air was heavy with humidity, it difficult to breathe and leaving everyone feeling sticky and uncomfortable.

7. A gentle breeze stirred the leaves on the trees and carried the sweet scent of blossoms through the air.

8. The sky was overcast and dreary, with a constant drizzle that seemed to never let up.

9. A sudden gust of wind shook the trees and sent leaves flying in all directions.

10. The heat was oppressive, with temperatures soaring well into the triple digits and no relief in sight.

11. The sky was a deep, ominous shade of grey, heavy with the threat of an impending thunderstorm.

12. The air was crisp and cool, with a faint hint of woodsmoke wafting from the chimneys of nearby houses.

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