形容肚量小的句子 17个

1. She was unable to finish even a small slice of cake, indicating her limited stomach capacity.

2. Despite the delicious spread of food at the party, he only managed to eat a few bites due to his small stomach size.

3. My friend's stomach is so small that she often feels full after just a few snacks.

4. He claims to have a high metabolism, but his tiny stomach size may also play a role in his small appetite.

5. Her small stomach capacity makes it difficult for her to enjoy buffet meals and all-you-can-eat restaurants.

6. Even though she loves to eat, her small stomach often stops her from enjoying her favorite foods in large quantities.

7. The doctor advised her to eat smaller, more frequent meals due to her petite and limited stomach capacity.

8. Despite being a foodie, her stomach size keeps her from indulging in large portions like her friends do.

9. His small stomach often makes him feel full quickly, leading to him missing out on some of the restaurant's specialties.

10. She tries to eat healthy snacks throughout the day to avoid overeating, which is easy to do with her small stomach capacity.

11. His small stomach capacity is the reason why he prefers to eat slowly and savor every bite.

12. Even though she is petite, her small stomach size means that she is unable to consume large quantities of food.

13. Despite her love for sweets, her small stomach capacity prevents her from eating more than a few bites of cake or chocolate.

14. His small stomach size often frustrates him, as he is unable to eat as much as he would like during social gatherings or family dinners.

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