感恩母亲的英语句子带翻译 11个

1. I am so grateful for my mother, who has always been there for me through thick and thin. (我非常感激我的母亲,她一直在我身边陪伴我度过了厚和薄。)

2. Without my mother's unwavering support and love, I would not be the person I am today. (没有母亲坚定的支持和爱,我今天的成就是不可能的。)

3. I cannot express enough how much I appreciate all that my mother has done for me over the years. (我无法表达我对母亲这些年来所做的一切的感激之情。)

4. My mother has always been my rock, my guiding light, and my biggest cheerleader. (我的母亲一直是我的支柱、指路明灯和最大的助威者。)

5. I will forever be grateful to my mother for instilling in me the values of hard work, integrity, and perseverance. (我永远感激我的母亲教给我勤奋、诚信和坚韧不拔的价值观。)

6. My mother's love has been my anchor in life, keeping me grounded and focused on what truly matters. (母爱是我生命中的锚,让我保持脚踏实地并专注于真正重要的事情。)

7. Words cannot do justice to describe how much my mother means to me and how much I cherish her. (言语无法描述我的母亲对我意味着什么,以及我多么珍惜她。)

8. I am forever grateful to my mother for shaping me into the person I am today, and for always believing in me. (我永远感激我的母亲塑造我成为今天的人,并且一直相信我。)

9. My mother's sacrifices and selflessness have been a constant source of inspiration to me, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem. (母亲的牺牲和无私一直是我的灵魂激励,我将永远尊重她。)

10. I owe everything I am to my mother, who has always been there for me with a kind word and a warm hug. (我归功于我的母亲,她总是给我温暖和鼓励。)

11. My mother's love has been my guiding force in life, helping me navigate through the ups and downs with grace and resilience. (母爱一直是我人生的指引,帮助我在起伏中以优雅和韧性的方式前进。)

12. I am blessed beyond words to have a mother who loves me unconditionally and supports me in everything I do. (我非常幸运拥有一位母亲,她无条件地爱我并在我做的每件事情上支持我。)

13. My mother's unwavering faith in me has given me the courage to pursue my dreams and never give up. (母亲对我的坚定信仰给了我追求梦想和永不放弃的勇气。)

14. I will always be grateful for my mother's wisdom and guidance, which has helped me make the right choices in life. (我将永远感激母亲的智慧和指导,这些帮助我在生命中做出正确的选择。)

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