写关于友情的诗句 11个

1. When the world seems dark and drear, a true friend's light can always appear.

2. Through laughter and through tears, a friend will be with you through the years.

3. Friends are the stars that shine bright in the night, guiding us through life with their eternal light.

4. A friend is a bridge that spans the gap between two hearts, uniting them in a bond that never departs.

5. In a world full of chaos and strife, a true friend is the one who brings peace to your life.

6. Friends are the glue that hold our lives together, keeping us grounded in stormy weather.

7. A friend is a precious diamond, rare and valuable, shining bright through all life's trials.

8. The bond of friendship is a flame that never dies, burning forever in the heart's embers.

9. Like a flower that blooms in the sun, friendship blossoms and grows into something truly fun.

10. In the journey of life, a true friend is the compass that guides us through all of our strife.

11. Friends are the anchor that keep us from drifting apart, grounding us in love and steadfast heart.

12. When the world seems cold and bleak, a friend's warm embrace is all the comfort we seek.

13. Like an eagle soaring high above, friendship gives us wings to fly and reach for the stars with love.

14. Friends are the light that shines bright in the darkest of nights, guiding us through all of life's fights.

15. In the dance of life, a friend is the partner who always knows the right steps to take, no matter how hard the break.

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