准备下雨的句子 13个

1. Dark clouds loomed on the horizon, bringing with them the promise of a heavy downpour.

2. The air was heavy and humid, the kind of day that would surely end in a thunderstorm.

3. As I stepped outside, I felt the first drops of rain on my face and knew that the storm had finally arrived.

4. The sound of raindrops pattering against the windowpane was a welcome relief from the oppressive heat.

5. The streets were deserted as people sought shelter from the approaching storm.

6. A flash of lightning lit up the sky, followed by the rumble of thunder that shook the ground beneath my feet.

7. The rain came down in sheets, drenching everything in its path and turning the streets into rivers.

8. I watched as the trees swayed in the wind, their leaves rustling and shaking as the rain beat down upon them.

9. The drops fell faster and harder, as if the sky had opened up and released a deluge upon the earth.

10. The storm showed no sign of abating, and I wondered how long it would be before the flooding became too much to handle.

11. The streets were slick with rainwater, it difficult to walk without slipping.

12. The once peaceful creek had turned into a raging river, its banks overflowing with water.

13. People huddled under awnings and in doorways, waiting out the storm and hoping for a break in the weather.

14. The rain hit the roof of the car like tiny bullets, it difficult to hear anything over the noise.

15. The storm lasted for hours, leaving behind a trail of destruction and a sense of awe at the power of nature.

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