描写设问的句子 12个

1. What does it feel like to conquer Mount Everest, the highest peak on earth, and look out at the world from the top?

2. How can we truly comprehend the vastness of the universe, with its billions of galaxies and endless expanse of space?

3. What kind of world would we live in if humans had the ability to fly like birds and soar through the sky freely?

4. Can you imagine what it would be like to explore the depths of the ocean, with its mysterious creatures and uncharted territories?

5. What would life be like on Mars, with its barren landscape and extreme conditions, if humans were to establish a colony there?

6. How would our world be different if we could communicate with animals and understand their thoughts and feelings?

7. What is the meaning of life, and how can we find purpose and fulfillment in a complex and ever-changing world?

8. Can you describe the feeling of falling in love, with its mixture of excitement, anxiety, and euphoria?

9. What would happen if we could time travel and visit different eras and historical events throughout history?

10. How do people develop their unique talents and abilities, and what drives them to pursue their passions and dreams?

11. Can you envision a society in which all people are treated with respect, equality, and compassion, regardless of their background or identity?

12. How can we find balance and harmony in an increasingly busy and stressful world, and cultivate inner peace and happiness?

13. What kind of impact do our daily choices and actions have on the environment and the future of our planet?

14. How do we overcome challenges and setbacks in life, and find the resilience and strength to persevere and succeed?

15. Can you imagine a world without art, literature, and creativity, and the beauty and richness that they bring to our lives?

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