再也不想见到你的句子 13个

1. The mere thought of laying eyes on you again fills me with dread and disgust.

2. Seeing your face once more is something that I simply cannot bear.

3. I have no desire whatsoever to ever cross paths with you again.

4. The memory of our encounters fills me with regret and sorrow, and I never want to experience that again.

5. You have caused me so much pain and hurt, and I do not want to endure that again.

6. You have betrayed my trust so many times that I cannot bring myself to look at you ever again.

7. Your presence is toxic and damaging to my mental and emotional well-being, and I do not want to subject myself to that any longer.

8. The mere sight of you is enough to trigger unpleasant memories and emotions that I do not want to relive.

9. I have moved on from our past, and seeing you again would only serve as a painful reminder of everything that went wrong.

10. You represent a dark and painful chapter in my life that I am trying to leave behind, and I do not want you to be a part of my present or future.

11. The very idea of interacting with you again fills me with a sense of dread and anxiety that I do not want to experience.

12. Our relationship has caused so much damage to both of us, and I think it's best for both parties if we never see each other again.

13. My mental and emotional well-being is my top priority, and seeing you again would be detrimental to that.

14. It's time for us to move on from each other and focus on building happy and healthy lives apart.

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