用so that造一个简单的句子 16个

1. I am studying hard so that I can pass my exams.

2. Sarah is saving money so that she can buy a new car.

3. We are practicing our dance routine so that we can perform it perfectly.

4. The doctor prescribed medication so that the patient could feel better.

5. The teacher gave extra homework so that the students could improve their grades.

6. I packed my raincoat so that I wouldn't get wet in case it rains.

7. The coach gave specific training exercises so that the team could improve their skills.

8. The mother prepared healthy meals so that her children would grow up strong and healthy.

9. The company implemented new policies so that productivity would increase.

10. The hikers brought plenty of water so that they wouldn't get dehydrated during their journey.

11. The architect planned the building's layout so that it would be accessible to people with disabilities.

12. The farmer uses organic fertilizer so that the produce is free of harmful chemicals.

13. The waiter suggested a non-alcoholic drink so that the customer would not drink and drive.

14. The graphic designer adjusted the font size so that the text would be easier to read.

15. The engineer calculated the dimensions so that the building structure would be stable and safe.

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