状语主语谓语宾语状语的句子 16个

1. With tears in her eyes, Mary hugged her mother tightly.

2. Despite the heavy rain, the football match continued without interruption.

3. In the early morning, the birds chirped loudly outside my window.

4. With a big smile on his face, John accepted the job offer.

5. Despite his busy schedule, the doctor made time to see his patients.

6. In the darkness of the night, the thief snuck into the house undetected.

7. With great enthusiasm, the students partited in the science fair.

8. Despite her fear of heights, Sarah climbed to the top of the mountain.

9. In the warm sunshine, the flowers bloomed brightly in the garden.

10. With his strong willpower, Tom overcame his addiction to cigarettes.

11. Despite the long distance, Sam decided to run the marathon.

12. In the silence of the room, I could hear the sound of my own heartbeat.

13. With the help of her friends, Emily was able to finish her project on time.

14. Despite the difficulties, the team managed to win the championship.

15. In the middle of the ocean, the ship sailed steadily towards its destination.

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