有关后悔的句子 20个

1. If only I had listened to my parents' advice, I wouldn't be in this mess now.

2. I regret not studying hard enough in college, as it has hindered my career prospects.

3. She wished she had taken the job offer from the other company, as her current job is unfulfilling.

4. He lamented his rash decision to buy a car on impulse, as it depleted his savings.

5. They both grieved the fact that they had let their relationship deteriorate to the point of no return.

6. She wished she had spoken up and defended her beliefs when her colleagues were offensive comments.

7. He regretted not spending more time with his grandpa before he passed away.

8. They both felt guilty for not being able to save their friend from a tragic accident.

9. She wished she had pursued her passion for art instead of succumbing to societal pressure to pursue a "practical" career.

10. He regretted not apologizing to his friend and letting a minor misunderstanding escalate into a fallout.

11. She wished she had traveled more and explored different cultures before settling down.

12. He lamented his impulsive decision to quit his job without having a proper backup plan.

13. They both regretted their lack of courage in standing up against an injustice they witnessed.

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