关于付诸行动的句子 12个

1. Having discussed the matter thoroughly, we finally decided to put our plan into action and start the project.

2. The team leader urged everyone to stop procrastinating and take action to meet the deadline.

3. In order to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams, we must be willing to take risks and take action towards success.

4. As a responsible citizen, it is our duty to take action against any form of social injustice or inequality in our society.

5. I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I believe it's time for me to take action and make some changes in my life.

6. Instead of just talking about a difference, we need to take action and actively contribute to improving our community.

7. The environmentalists are urging the government to take immediate action to address the issue of climate change and reduce carbon emissions.

8. Delaying our decision to take action will only worsen the situation and make it more difficult to resolve the problem.

9. We need to take swift and decisive action to address the current crisis and prevent it from escalating further.

10. The success of any plan or strategy depends on how effectively we can take action and implement it in the real world.

11. Change will not happen unless we take action and actively work towards bringing about the desired outcome.

12. Taking action requires courage, determination, and perseverance, but the rewards are well worth the effort in the end.

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