英语句子的五种基本类型 20个

1. Simple sentence: I love to read books. (Subject + verb + object)

2. Compound sentence: She is going to the party, but he is staying home. (Two independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction)

3. Complex sentence: Because I studied hard, I passed the exam. (Independent clause + dependent clause)

4. Compound-complex sentence: Although he was tired, he went for a run, and he felt much better afterwards. (Two independent clauses and one dependent clause)

5. Imperative sentence: Clean your room before you go out. (Command or request)

6. Interrogative sentence: Can you help me with my homework? (Question)

7. Exctory sentence: What a beautiful day it is! (Expresses strong emotion)

8. Declarative sentence: The sun rises in the east. (States a fact)

9. Conditional sentence: If it rains tomorrow, we will stay inside. (Dependent clause with a condition and a result clause)

10. Inverted sentence: In the garden, bloomed the most beautiful flowers. (Subject and verb are in a different order than usual)

11. Passive sentence: The cake was baked by my sister. (The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence)

12. Participial phrase sentence: Running through the park, I saw a group of children playing on the swings. (Starts with a participle phrase)

13. Infinitive phrase sentence: To be or not to be, that is the question. (Starts with an infinitive phrase)

14. Appositive sentence: My friend, a talented musician, is playing at the concert tonight. (Uses an appositive to rename or explain the subject)

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