关于夏天的英语句子带翻译 19个

1. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, and biking. (夏天是进行户外活动,如游泳、远足和骑自行车的完美时机。)

2. The warm sun and long days make summer the most popular season for vacations. (温暖的阳光和长长的白天使夏天成为最受欢迎的度假季节。)

3. Many people love to spend their summer afternoons relaxing at the beach. (许多人喜欢在夏天的下午放松在海滩上。)

4. You can enjoy ice cream, watermelon, and other summer treats to help you stay cool in the heat. (你可以享受冰激凌、西瓜和其他夏季美食来帮助你在酷热天气中保持凉爽。)

5. Summer is a great time to catch up with friends and family and make memories together. (夏天是与朋友和家人聚会,一起创造回忆的好时机。)

6. The sound of crickets chirping and the smell of freshly cut grass are just a few things that make summer special. (蟋蟀的鸣叫声和新鲜草地的味道只是使夏天特别的几件事情。)

7. Summer nights can be magical with the stars shining brightly and fireflies glowing. (夏天的夜晚可以是神奇的,繁星闪烁,萤火虫闪烁。)

8. You can wear shorts, sundresses, sandals, and other comfortable summer clothes. (你可以穿短裤、阳光裙、凉鞋和其他舒适的夏季服装。)

9. Summer is a time of growth and renewal as flowers bloom and plants thrive. (夏天是成长和更新的时期,鲜花盛开,植物茂盛。)

10. The beach is a popular destination for summer vacationers because of the warm sand and refreshing ocean waters. (海滩是夏天度假者的热门目的地,因为有温暖的沙子和清爽的海水。)

11. Summer is a time to slow down and savor the simple pleasures in life. (夏天是放慢脚步,品味生活中简单的乐趣的时候。)

12. Summer is a season of joy and , with no obligations or responsibilities weighing you down. (夏天是欢乐和自由的季节,没有义务或责任拖累你。)

13. One of the best things about summer is the abundance of fresh, delicious fruits and vegetables. (夏天最好的事情之一是新鲜美味的水果和蔬菜的丰富。)

14. Children love summer because they get to play outside and have fun with friends all day long. (孩子们喜欢夏天,因为他们可以在外面玩耍,整天和朋友们一起享受乐趣。)

15. Summer storms can be scary, but they also bring much-needed rain to help plants grow. (夏季暴风雨可能很可怕,但它们也带来了急需的雨水来帮助植物生长。)

16. The longer days of summer mean more time for adventure, exploration, and trying new things. (夏天更长的白天意味着更多的时间去冒险、探索和尝试新事物。)

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