包子的句子 13个

1. Despite the heavy rain, the workers continued to build the bridge, steadfastly determined to finish it on time.

2. The old woman sat quietly in her rocking chair, lost in thought as the fire crackled in the hearth.

3. Having failed the test twice already, John was determined to study harder and pass it on his third attempt.

4. The sun slowly rose over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the fields as the birds began to chirp.

5. After months of planning, the team was finally able to launch their new product, much to the delight of their customers.

6. Jenny looked out the window, watching the snow fall gently to the ground as she sipped her hot cocoa.

7. Despite the fact that he had never cooked before, Mark decided to try his hand at a gourmet meal for his date.

8. Having been stranded on the island for weeks, the survivors were forced to find ways to adapt to their new surroundings.

9. The concert was sold out within hours of the tickets going on sale, much to the excitement of the fans.

10. Sarah sat nervously in the waiting room, anxiously awaiting the results of her medical tests.

11. The city was bustling with activity as people hurried to and fro, going about their daily business.

12. Despite the harsh conditions, the team was determined to reach the peak of the mountain and conquer it once and for all.

13. The children laughed and played in the park, oblivious to the world around them as they enjoyed their carefree youth.

14. The author sat hunched over his desk, scribbling furiously as he tried to finish his latest novel before the deadline.

15. The train rattled along the tracks, its whistle blowing loudly as it made its way through the countryside.

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