仿写小动物外形的句子 11个

1. The rabbit had soft, velvety fur and long, floppy ears that twitched at the slightest sound.

2. The elephant had a massive, gray body with wrinkly skin and a long, curved trunk that could reach the highest branches.

3. The erfly had delicate, colorful wings with intricate patterns that shimmered in the sunlight.

4. The pea had a beautiful, iridescent plumage with long, majestic tail feathers that fanned out in a beautiful display.

5. The tiger had orange and black striped fur with piercing green eyes and sharp, retractable claws.

6. The panda had black and white fur with a round face and a prominent, black nose.

7. The hummingbird had iridescent, shimmering feathers with a long, slender beak that could reach the nectar deep inside flowers.

8. The kangaroo had a muscular body with powerful legs and a long tail used for balance.

9. The giraffe had a long, slender neck with a patterned coat and small, ossicones protruding from its head.

10. The crocodile had rough, scaly skin with sharp teeth and a powerful jaw used to catch prey.

11. The gorilla had a muscular body covered in dark, co fur with long, powerful arms and sharp teeth.

12. The octopus had a bulbous head with eight tentacles covered in suction cups for grabbing onto prey.

13. The flamingo had long, slender legs with pink feathers, a curved beak, and a distinctive, upside-down feeding posture.

14. The rhinoceros had a massive, armored body with a large horn protruding from its snout.

15. The squirrel had soft, fluffy fur with a bushy tail used for balance and communication.

16. The snail had a spiraled shell on its back and a slimy body used for locomotion.

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