好的英语作文句子 13个

1. The current situation demands that we take immediate action to address the issue at hand, as its consequences could be disastrous if left unchecked.

2. In my opinion, the best solution to this problem would be to gather comprehensive data and yze it carefully in order to identify the root causes.

3. While some may argue that the benefits outweigh the risks, I believe that we cannot ignore the potential dangers of this new technology.

4. As a result of this recent development, we must reconsider our approach and determine whether we need to revise our strategies moving forward.

5. It is clear that this policy has had a significant impact on our society, and it is up to us to s whether that impact has been positive or negative.

6. Although many of us may disagree about how to handle this situation, we must all work together to find a solution that is in the best interest of everyone involved.

7. While it is true that there are many challenges to be faced, I am confident that we have the skills and resources necessary to overcome them successfully.

8. One of the main issues that we need to address is the lack of access to affordable healthcare for underserved communities.

9. Despite the fact that this is a complex problem with many potential solutions, I believe that we can make progress by focusing on one step at a time.

10. It is essential that we take a holistic approach to this issue, considering not only its immediate effects but also its long-term implications.

11. As we embark on this new venture, we must be mindful of the potential risks involved and take every precaution to ensure a successful outcome.

12. In light of recent events, it is clear that we need to foster greater understanding and empathy in our society, and that begins with each of us individually.

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