自在的句子 16个

1. The sun slowly rose over the vast horizon, casting a warm glow on the quiet city streets below.

2. As she walked through the old, overgrown forest, she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty that surrounded her.

3. The storm clouds gathered in the distance, looming like a dark, foreboding presence that threatened to drench the world below.

4. He sat alone in the empty room, lost in thought as the world outside continued on without him.

5. The waves crashed against the rocky s, sending sprays of salty water into the air that glittered in the golden sunlight.

6. She stood atop the mountain peak, taking in the breathtaking view of the world below, feeling like she was on top of the world.

7. The old, tattered book lay open on the desk, its yellowed pages filled with stories and secrets from a time long past.

8. The bustling city streets were alive with activity, filled with people rushing to and fro, intent on their own individual tasks.

9. The soft sound of raindrops pattering against the windowpane provided a peaceful soundtrack to the cozy evening in.

10. The icy winds howled through the barren wasteland, chilling her to the bone as she trudged through the snow.

11. The vibrant colors of the autumn leaves painted the world with a warm glow, signaling the arrival of a new season.

12. The sweet, floral scent of the blooming garden filled the air with a sense of serenity and calm, providing a respite from the chaos of the outside world.

13. The stars led in the night sky, casting a dreamy, otherworldly glow on the still world below.

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