变天的句子 15个

1. The sky darkened as thunder rumbled in the distance, signaling an incoming storm.

2. The wind howled through the trees, foretelling the changing of the seasons.

3. The air grew thick with the impending threat of rain, and the once blue sky turned an ominous shade of gray.

4. As the sun began to set, the clouds rolled in, casting an eerie glow over the landscape.

5. The hot, humid air was suddenly replaced by a cool, refreshing breeze, bringing with it the promise of a change in weather.

6. The first drops of rain fell from the sky, quickly turning into a deluge that soaked everything in its path.

7. The clouds parted to reveal a stunning sunset, painting the sky in hues of orange, pink, and purple.

8. A sudden gust of wind knocked over chairs and umbrellas, signaling the approach of a powerful storm.

9. The temperature dropped rapidly, causing gooseps to form on exposed skin as winter made its arrival.

10. Lightning lit up the sky like an electric spiderweb, followed by the deafening crack of thunder that shook the windows.

11. The leaves rustled ominously as a storm brewed on the horizon, sending shivers down the spines of those who were outside.

12. The oppressive heat of the day was replaced by a cool, refreshing breeze, sending a wave of relief through the city.

13. As the clouds cleared, a rainbow appeared in the sky, serving as a reminder that even the darkest storms can bring beauty and hope.

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