五年级作比较的句子 18个

1. My sister is taller than me, but I am faster than her.

2. This apple is sweeter than the one I had yesterday.

3. The red dress looks prettier on you than the blue one.

4. His handwriting is neater than mine.

5. She sings better than anyone in our class.

6. The pizza from that restaurant tastes better than the one from the other place.

7. Her hair is longer than his, but his is thicker than hers.

8. The movie we saw last night was scarier than the one we watched last week.

9. My room is messier than my brother's room.

10. The weather today is much colder than it was yesterday.

11. Her dog is friendlier than his, but his is fluffier than hers.

12. The book I am reading now is more interesting than the one I finished last week.

13. This camera takes clearer pictures than my old one.

14. I can run her than I could last year.

15. This bike is faster than the one I had when I was younger.

16. His English is better than mine, but my Chinese is better than his.

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