能把名字带进去的句子 11个

1. My name is Emily and I enjoy reading books in my spare time.

2. What's your name? My name is Jack and I work as a software engineer.

3. His name is David and he comes from a small town in the countryside.

4. She introduced herself by saying, "My name is Sarah and I'm a graphic designer."

5. The teacher asked each student to say their name and share one interesting fact about themselves.

6. A stranger came up to me and said, "Excuse me, what is your name?" I replied, "My name is Lisa."

7. As soon as I heard my name being called, I rushed to the stage to accept my award.

8. My parents named me Michael after my grandfather who was a well-respected businessman.

9. His full name is William Edward Johnson but he prefers to go by the nickname "Bill".

10. When I was born, my family decided to give me a unique name that ody else had - Esmeralda.

11. I always sign my name with a smiley face to add a personal touch to my messages.

12. "What's in a name?" Shakespeare once wrote, implying that a name doesn't define who we are as a person.

13. As a famous actress, people often misounce my name, but I always politely correct them.

14. When we introduced ourselves in class, I was surprised to find out that two other people had the same name as me.

15. My name is engraved on the plaque as a reminder of all the hard work I put into completing the project.

16. "Hi, my name is John and I'm calling from the customer service department. How can I assist you today?"

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