虐心到极致的古风句子翻译 13个

1. 借刀,以眼还眼,逆天改命,这一次,我要让你付出代价。

Translation: Borrowing a knife to kill, returning an eye for an eye, defying fate - this time, I will make you pay the price.

2. 你的背影,让我心醉如痴,却无从靠近,仿佛两个世界的距离永远无法逾越。

Translation: Your back makes my heart drunk and infatuated, yet I cannot approach, as if the distance between two worlds can never be crossed.

3. 在那个时代,我只能默默地守候,看着你与别人相拥而过,虽苦却又甜蜜。

Translation: In that era, I can only wait silently, watching you pass by with someone else, it's bitter yet sweet.

4. 时间匆匆而过,岁月如梭,只有那深情的眼神,还清晰地印在我的心底。

Translation: Time p quickly, years go by, only that deep gaze, still clearly imprinted in my heart.

5. 你离去的那一刻,我的心就像失去了灵魂一般,无力地倒在地上。

Translation: The moment you left, my heart felt like it had lost its soul, falling helplessly to the ground.

6. 有谁能够想到,我们曾经如此相爱,如今变得如此疏离,让人心如刀割。

Translation: Who would have thought that we once loved each other so much, yet now we have become so distant, causing heartache.

7. 夜幕降临,独自一人漫步在寂静的街道,只有我与那为伴,感受到了孤独的滋味。

Translation: Night falls, walking alone on the quiet street, only me and the bright moon for company, feeling the taste of loneliness.

8. 道别的那一瞬间,我看着你的背影消失在人海之中,泪水不自觉地流下,仿佛无法挽回的失落,让我心如刀割。

Translation: At the moment of saying goodbye, I watched your figure disappear into the sea of people, tears flowing involuntarily, as if the irreparable loss made my heart ache.

9. 曾经的海誓山盟,如今只剩下空洞的承诺,让我心碎到无法再次拼凑。

Translation: The former vows and promises, now only hollow words, leave my heart broken beyond repair.

10. 生命中最痛苦的事情,莫过于在见到你的那一刻,我已不再是你需要的那个人。

Translation: The most painful thing in life is when, at the moment I see you, I realize I am no longer the person you need.

11. 在那个熙熙攘攘的街道上,你为何不能听到我心中的呼唤呢?

Translation: On that bustling street, why can't you hear the call of my heart?

12. 我曾经想和你一起走完一生,可现在,我却只能安静地看着你幸福地生活,心中泛起无尽的悲伤。

Translation: I once wanted to walk through life with you, but now I can only quietly watch you live happily, my heart filled with endless sadness.

13. 昔日的誓言,在岁月的流水中逝去,只剩下那份思念和眷恋,让我心中的火热不减。

Translation: The vows of the past, gone with the flow of time, leaving only the longing and attachment, keeping the fire burning in my heart.

14. 看着你身影渐行渐远,我的心中却越来越怯懦,无法说出那个最后的轻轻一声再见。

Translation: Watching your figure disappear into the distance, my heart becomes more and more cowardly, unable to say that final gentle goodbye.

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