木兰诗中表现巾帼不让须眉的句子是 20个

1. "汉家虽富,可犹思贫贱。" (Although the Han family is rich, they still think about poverty and hardship.)

2. "军中破贼,将军受勳。" (She defeated bandits in the army and was awarded by the general.)

3. "云长城,雪落寒沙,女儿乘胡马,守岁月经年。" (With clouds on the Great Wall and snow falling on the cold sand, the daughter rode a horse and guarded years.)

4. "旦辞父母,夕守孝节。" (She said goodbye to her parents in the morning and kept the filial piety in the evening.)

5. "从军习战,旋马弯弓。" (She learned to fight in the army and quickly became skilled with a bow on horseback.)

6. "鬓绾十年青且短,一任征鸿尔来雁。" (Her hair was for ten years and remained short and youthful, waiting for the return of the wild geese.)

7. "五马莫追,六龙无主。" (No one can catch her five horses, and no one can control her six dragons.)

8. "银装素裹,一身都是雪。" (She was dressed in silver and white, and looked like snow all over her body.)

9. "不闻父母唤女名,只道阵前万物震。" (She did not hear her parents call her name, but felt everything tremble in the front line.)

10. "昨夜闲潭梦落花,可怜春半不还家。" (Last night, in a quiet pool, she dreamed of falling flowers, but unfortunately, she did not return home in the first half of spring.)

11. "赴戎机,关山度若飞。" (She traveled thousands of miles to join the army, and crossed the mountains as if flying.)

12. "战士军前半死生,美人帐下犹歌舞。" (The soldiers face half-life and half-death on the battlefield, but the beauty still sings and dances in her tent.)

13. "将军百战身常勇,楼船夜引江流亮。" (The general was brave in hundreds of battles, and his ships lit up the river at night.)

14. "Gentlemen serve valiantly in a hundred battles, women make contributions secretly in the boudoir." (君子好逑,莫向此间游; 男儿到此,死而后已。女也愿化身为男子,到前线守卫国家。)

15. "两岸猿声啼不尽,轻舟已过万重山。" (The cries of monkeys on both banks were endless, but the light boat had already passed through thousands of mountains.)

16. "回看天际下中流,岂是舟车发轫处。" (Looking back at the midstream under the sky, it was not the starting point of a boat or a carriage.)

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