三个动词并列连用的英语句子 17个

1. I woke up, stretched, and yawned before getting out of bed.

2. He ran, jumped, and climbed over the fence to reach the other side.

3. She cooked, baked, and decorated a cake for her friend's birthday party.

4. They sang, danced, and performed in the school musical.

5. We swam, surfed, and sunbathed at the beach all day.

6. The dog barked, chased, and caught the frisbee in the park.

7. He typed, edited, and proofread his essay before submitting it.

8. She lifted, pushed, and pulled the heavy boxes to rearrange the furniture.

9. They hiked, camped, and explored the wilderness on their weekend trip.

10. We laughed, talked, and reminisced about old times at the reunion.

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