描写动物动作的句子50字 17个

1. The lion slowly crept towards its unsuspecting prey, ready to pounce at any moment. (狮子慢慢地接近它毫不怀疑的猎物,随时准备扑击。)

2. The bird flapped its wings vigorously, propelling itself higher into the sky. (鸟振动翅膀,使自己向天空飞得更高。)

3. The snake slithered through the grass, its body undulating in a graceful, sinuous motion. (蛇在草丛中游走,身体迂回曲折,优美流畅。)

4. The monkey swung from branch to branch with ease, its nimble fingers gripping tightly onto the tree bark. (猴子轻松地在树枝间摇摆,灵巧的手指紧紧抓住树皮。)

5. The horse galloped across the open fields, its mane flowing in the wind. (马在开阔的田野上奔跑,鬃毛随风飘动。)

6. The fish darted through the water, its scales shimmering in the sunlight. (鱼在水中游动,鳞片在阳光下闪闪发光。)

7. The dog eagerly wagged its tail, wagging with excitement as its owner approached. (狗热切地摇着尾巴,当它的主人走近时,它兴奋地摇动着。)

8. The elephant lumbered through the jungle, its massive form shaking the ground with each step. (大象在丛林中迟缓地行进,它庞大的身躯每迈一步都会震动地面。)

9. The erfly fluttered its delicate wings, gracefully hovering from flower to flower. (蝴蝶扇动着娇嫩的翅膀,优美地悬停在花丛中。)

10. The giraffe stretched its long neck, reaching up to nibble on the leaves of a tall tree. (长颈鹿伸长了脖子,把头朝上,咬着高树上的叶子。)

11. The crocodile lay motionless in the water, waiting for its prey to come within striking distance. (鳄鱼静静地躺在水中,等待猎物进入攻击范围。)

12. The cat deftly jumped onto the windowsill, its agile body landing softly on the edge. (猫敏捷地跳上窗台,身体灵活地平稳着陆。)

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