等待煎熬的句子 18个

1. Standing at the bus stop in the pouring rain, I wondered if the bus would ever arrive.

2. She sat nervously in the doctor's office waiting for her test results to come back.

3. Despite the long line, he patiently stood in the queue, hoping to get a ticket before they sold out.

4. As he opened the letter with trembling hands, he felt his heart sink at the news inside.

5. The endless traffic was causing a headache as I sat in my car, stuck in the same spot for over an hour.

6. The antition of waiting for Christmas morning made the days feel never-ending for the children.

7. After submitting the job application, the waiting game began as I anxiously waited for a response.

8. The wait for the elevator felt like an eternity as I stood there with my arms full of packages.

9. The minutes felt like hours as she sat by the phone, waiting for him to call back.

10. As she sat in the airport terminal, she checked the departure board repeatedly, hoping for any news on her delayed flight.

11. The long wait for the concert tickets to go on sale felt unbearable as the countdown clock ticked away.

12. The suspense was killing him as he sat in the movie theater, waiting for the big reveal.

13. The endless wait for the doctor's appointment left him feeling frustrated and anxious.

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