被压迫的句子 13个

1. She had been working tirelessly for months, but her employer refused to acknowledge her contributions.

2. The poor farmers had no choice but to sell their land to the wealthy landlord for a paltry sum.

3. Despite his qualifications and experience, the young man was passed over for the promotion in favor of a less competent colleague.

4. The oppressed community had been protesting for years, but the government continued to turn a deaf ear to their demands.

5. The factory workers toiled for long hours in hazardous conditions, with no hope of a decent wage or benefits.

6. The marginalized group was forced to live in squalid conditions, with no access to basic amenities such as clean water or healthcare.

7. As a woman of color, she faced discrimination and prejudice at every turn, it difficult for her to succeed in her chosen field.

8. The indigenous people were displaced from their ancestral lands and forced to assimilate into a foreign culture.

9. The political dissidents were arrested and imprisoned without trial, simply for speaking out against the government.

10. The child laborers were exploited and abused by the unscrupulous factory owners, with no regard for their well-being or education.

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