带连续动作的句子 12个

1. She dragged her heavy suitcase down the stairs, struggling with each step.

2. The wind howled through the trees, bending them almost to the ground.

3. He sank deep into the cushioned armchair, letting out a long sigh of relief.

4. The children giggled and splashed in the cool water of the swimming pool.

5. She strode confidently down the busy street, her high heels clicking on the concrete.

6. The car roared to life, the engine revving loudly in the quiet suburb.

7. He sprinted towards the finish line, his heart pounding with excitement.

8. The rain poured down in sheets, splashing loudly against the windows and roof.

9. She sat quietly on the park bench, watching the world go by.

10. The chef expertly chopped and diced the vegetables, the blade of his knife flashing in the light.

11. The fireworks exploded in the sky, lighting up the night with bright colors and loud booms.

12. He slowly climbed the steep mountain trail, stopping every few minutes to catch his breath.

13. The baby cooed and giggled as her mother tickled her tiny toes.

14. The conductor waved his baton, directing the orchestra to play louder and faster.

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