朋友看不起我的句子 13个

1. Despite my efforts, my friend still seems to look down on my writing skills.

2. My friend constantly belittles my sentences, no matter how hard I try to improve.

3. It's disheartening to have a friend who doesn't appreciate my sentence structure.

4. My friend's negative comments about my sentences take a toll on my confidence.

5. I wish my friend would offer constructive criticism rather than simply tearing apart my sentences.

6. It's frustrating that my friend doesn't seem to understand the amount of effort I put into crafting my sentences.

7. I feel like I can't share my writing with my friend because I'm afraid of their judgement.

8. My friend's criticism of my sentences feels like a personal attack.

9. I don't understand why my friend is so fixated on critiquing my sentences instead of offering support and encouragement.

10. It's difficult to maintain a friendship with someone who doesn't value my writing or the effort I put into it.

11. I'm grateful for other friends who appreciate my writing and encourage me to keep improving.

12. At the end of the day, I know that I write for myself and not to please anyone else, even if it's a close friend.

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